Mae'r adnodd hwn wedi'i rheoleiddio. (Mwy am Wasanaethau Rheoleiddiedig)
Mae'r darparwr wedi'i gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) neu yn cyfatebol.
Cafodd y darparwr arolygiad ar: 02/08/2024.
Mae gan yr darparwr yma lleoedd gwag wythnosol i blant o oedran 3 blynyddoedd a 5 blynyddoedd.
Mae'r darparwr hwn wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer 32 o leoedd ac mae ganddo staff ar gyfer 32 lle.
We take children accessing the childcare offer. The ratio for our staff to pre-school children aged 3-7 years is 1:8.Children are dropped off at setting 9.10am and spend their morning with us before we take them to their Nursery space at 12.40pm.We then collect children at 11:15am and bring them to setting where they access their afternoon session with us until 3.00pm.Children using our 3-year-old wrap around service will be provided with a healthy snack in or AM session and bring a healthy packed lunch with them to our PM session. We provide a comprehensive Curriculum that is planned and delivered by qualified and experienced Early Years staff, through a broad and balanced curriculum. We intend to help children develop independence, confidence, creativity and resilience.
We take children accessing the childcare offer. The ratio for our staff to pre-school children aged 3-7 years is 1:8.
Rydym ar gael: gwyliau ysgol yn unig.
Rydym are gael yn ystod y gwyliau ysgol canlynol:
Ni allwn darparu gofal cofleidiol..
Yn ein lleoliad rydym yn siarad Dwyieithog.
Nid ydym yn gollwng/codi o unrhyw ysgol.
Nid ydym yn gollwng/godi o manau eraill.
Blackwood Primary SchoolApollo WayNP12 1WANP12 1WA