Shine Cymru - Western Bay - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd

Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud

Shine provide specialist support, advice and information throughout the life of anyone living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, as well as to parents, families, carers and professional health and social care staff.

Shine's Support and Development workers can be contacted to provide support, information and advice on / to:
• Benefits, finances and funding
• Bowel and bladder issues, incontinence, staying healthy (via our medical advisors)
• Bullen’s Home Delivery service for continence products
• Local support groups, events, peer support through online groups such as Shine 40plus
• Education for members attending schools, colleges and universities (via our education advisor)
• Folic acid and pregnancy advice
• Support for carers / parents who look after someone with spina bifida and/ or hydrocephalus
• Professionals including GP’s, health and social care staff, employers, schools, colleges about how these conditions can be managed.

Pwy ydym ni'n eu cefnogi

Anyone who has spina bifida and / or hydrocephalus
Parents who have a child with spina bifida / and or hydrocephalus
Carers and families who live with or care for someone with spina bifida and/ or hydrocelhalis
Professionals providing support such as health and social care staff, educational staff, employers
Anyone who is expecting a baby with spina bifida

Oes tâl yn cael ei godi am ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Nac oes

All unrhyw un ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Anyone can contact us directly.

Manylion am wasanaeth gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd

Iaith: Saesneg gydag elfennau dwyieithog

  • Yn gallu rhoi cymorth arbenigol i deuluoedd plant ag anableddau / anghenion ychwanegol No Cysylltwch i drafod anghenion eich plentyn(plant) ymhellach.
  • Mae gan staff perthnasol DBS cyfredol dilys? Yes

Cyfryngau cymdeithasol

 Hygyrchedd yr adeilad

 Amserau agor

Monday - Friday 9.00am -5.00pm