Mae'r adnodd hwn wedi'i rheoleiddio. (Mwy am Wasanaethau Rheoleiddiedig)
Mae'r darparwr wedi'i gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) neu yn cyfatebol.
Cafodd y darparwr arolygiad ar: 02/02/2024.
Mae gan yr darparwr yma lleoedd gwag wythnosol i blant o oedran 2 blynyddoedd a 10 blynyddoedd. We currently have sessions available.
Mae'r darparwr hwn wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer 22 o leoedd ac mae ganddo staff ar gyfer 22 lle.
St Donats Nursery aims to:• Provide high quality day care that enhances the development, care, and education of pre-school children in a safe and stimulating environment, where they can learn through play in partnership with parents/carers.• Embrace the ethos and principles of Early Years Wales.• Embrace the principles of The Curiosity Approach, Loose parts, Play work Theory and Forest School.• Enable each child to reach their full potential.• Create a happy, secure, and caring environment.• Help each child to develop self-respect, good manners, and consideration for others.• Make full use of their surrounding environment (castle, grounds, farm, beach, woods, orchard, and gardens).• Encourage enjoyment of books, singing, music and art.• Provide facilities for physical activities including games, dance, and movement.• • Provide opportunities to explore, investigate and make choices.
St Donats Nursery Ltd welcomes every child.We accept children from the age of 2 years old up to 5 years old.During Holiday Club, we accept children from the age of 2 years old - 10 years old.
Anyone can use the resource
Rydym ar gael: yr holl flwyddyn. We are not open during the Christmas and Summer Holidays.
Gallwn darparu gofal cofleidiol.. Wrap around care is available if a certain number require it.
We do also provide Holiday Club for 2 - 10 year old children during the half term. Nursery children can choose to attend or not. This does not include the Christmas and Summer holidays when we are closed.
Yn ein lleoliad rydym yn siarad Saesneg gydag elfennau dwyieithog.
Rydym yn gollwng/codi o'r ysgolion hyn:
Atlantic CollegeSt. Donat'sLlantwit MajorCF61 1WF