Our Vale of Glamorgan School and Community Based Counselling Service provides counselling to young people aged 10-19 years old.Counselling is a type of talking therapy, where the young person can meet with a qualified Counsellor to explore their thoughts and feelings and to develop ways of coping.Reasons young people might meet with a Counsellor include: Family issues, bereavement, relationship difficulties, anxiety, etc.Following an initial assessment, up to six 1:1 Counselling sessions are offered to young people to talk through any worries or concerns they may have. If our service is not appropriate, the Counsellor will signpost or refer the young person to a service which better suits their need.
If you’re aged between 10-19 and live in the Vale of Glamorgan or attend school in the Vale of Glamorgan you can access this service for free.
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Referrals by professionals, parents/carers or by young people can be made via the service website.
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