Mae'r darparwr wedi'i gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) neu yn cyfatebol.
Nid oes gennym ddyddiad ar gyfer arolwg diweddar i'r adnodd hwn.
Gofalwr Plant yw'r darparwr yma yn
Mae gan yr darparwr yma lleoedd gwag rhan-amser i blant o oedran 0 misoedd a 12 blynyddoedd.
Mae'r darparwr hwn wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer 8 o leoedd ac mae ganddo staff ar gyfer 8 lle.
Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud
At Dinky Winks Childminding, I offer a fun stimulating setting where play is at the heart of all learning. I plan many fun learning experiences to accommodate children of all ages and abilities.
I have a wide selection of resources such as art and craft, books, science and nature, block play, small world etc. children have access to all the resources as they wish.
All children in my care have a daily diary, I fill this in every day explaining to parents, what activities their children have taken part in that day, food they have eaten, toilet habits, behaviour and the areas of learning covered by the planned activities / free play they have taken part in that day.
Every child also has a leaning journal where I add photographs of the children participating in different activities, fun and play as well as meeting new targets regarding their development.