Mae Dynamic yn darparu gweithgareddau y tu allan i'r ysgol a darpariaeth gwyliau i blant a phobl ifanc ag anableddau sydd wedi cael diagnosis rhwng 8 a 25 oed. Mae Seren ac Enfys Sadwrn yn rhan o hyn.Mae gennym hefyd ein côr iaith arwyddion ein hunain, Signing Sensations. Grŵp o bobl ifanc sy'n ymarfer ddwywaith yr wythnos ac yn perfformio'n lleol o fewn y gymuned.
Plant a phobl ifanc 8-25 oed sydd ag anableddau wedi eu diagnosio, eu rhieni, eu gofalwyr a'u teuluoedd.
Mae'n dibynnu - No charge but parents are asked for a parental contribution on a termly basis. Some groups are charged.
There is a referral process for our groups they are not open access. Our eligibility criteria states that the child or young person needs to be between the ages of 8-19 years and have a diagnosed disability. All referrals are assessed for suitability by our panel of Trustees. Please contact Dynamic to enquire. Must live within Wrexham county. Referrals can be made by professionals, parents, careers or self-referred.
Iaith: Dwyieithog
Bradbury House23 Salisbury RoadWrexhamLL13 7AS