Male Carers Support Project - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd

Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud

This project aims to raise awareness of the needs of male carers and provide personalised one-to-one support group sessions, and regular drop in service/workshops.

The project will offer:
Support to enable male carers to maintain and improve their own well-being, through one-to-one support, group sessions and activities. They will have the opportunity to learning new skills and coping strategies to sustain them in their caring role, avoid carer crisis and breakdown.

Support in a practical, supportive and non-stigmatising way for men taking on caring roles, particularly later in life. Carers may find aspects of domestic work difficult if previously such tasks have been done by the person they now care for. Also, they may now find themselves providing intimate or personal care to that person.

Pwy ydym ni'n eu cefnogi

Male carers

Oes tâl yn cael ei godi am ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Nac oes

All unrhyw un ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Anyone can make a referral

Manylion am wasanaeth gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd

Iaith: Saesneg yn unig

  • Yn gallu rhoi cymorth arbenigol i deuluoedd plant ag anableddau / anghenion ychwanegol No Cysylltwch i drafod anghenion eich plentyn(plant) ymhellach.
  • Mae gan staff perthnasol DBS cyfredol dilys? Yes

Dulliau cysylltu

Cyfryngau cymdeithasol

 Hygyrchedd yr adeilad

 Amserau agor

Mon - Fri 9am - 8pm