Mae'r adnodd hwn wedi'i rheoleiddio. (Mwy am Wasanaethau Rheoleiddiedig)
Mae'r darparwr wedi'i gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) neu yn cyfatebol.
Cafodd y darparwr arolygiad ar: 09/02/2024.
Mae gan yr darparwr yma lleoedd gwag wythnosol i blant o oedran 2 blynyddoedd a 4 blynyddoedd. We currently have a waiting list for 2 year olds.
Mae'r darparwr hwn wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer 22 o leoedd ac mae ganddo staff ar gyfer 22 lle.
St Donats Nursery is an outdoor nature nursery, set approximately on 1 acre of land surrounded by an assortment of trees on the prestigious campus of Atlantic College. We provide opportunities to play, learn, explore, investigate, take risks and create great memories along the way! The majority of our activities take place in the great outdoors where children are happy, calm, creative and free! We are ready no matter what the weather may bring as we also have two fantastic yurts on site. We are not about 'survival' but more about 'revival'.Children are encouraged to follow their own interests and learn life long skills such as being self sufficient, aware of nature and sustainability; being independent and able to work as a member of a team.
We welcome every child!We accept children from the age of 2 - 4 years old during term time and 2-10 years old at our Holiday Club during half term.
Anyone can use the resource
Rydym ar gael: yr holl flwyddyn. We are open during term time for 2-4 years old and offer Holiday Club for 2-10 years old during all half terms EXCEPT for the Christmas and Summer holidays
Gallwn darparu gofal cofleidiol..
We offer the following sessions: Breakfast Club (08:00-09:00), am session (09:00-12:00pm), lunch (12:00-13:00pm), pm session (13:00-16:00pm), and a full day (09:00-16:00pm)
Yn ein lleoliad rydym yn siarad Saesneg gydag elfennau dwyieithog.
Rydym yn gollwng/codi o'r ysgolion hyn:
Nid ydym yn gollwng/godi o manau eraill.
St. Donats CastleSt. Donat'sLlantwit MajorCF61 1WF