Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd y Fro

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Clwb Lego - Llyfrgell Llaniltud Fawr - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

A ydych yn mwynhâu adeiladu a Lego? Dewch i ymuno a ni yn Llyfrgell Llanilltud Fawr ar foreuâu Sadwrn 2-3y.p.

CHILDREN’S KEYRING ENGRAVING WORKSHOP - Barry - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Making jewellery is a great way to spend time with friends and family and as a work event to create your bespoke pieces together. Jewellery making is a very therapeutic activity. It can encourage creativity and self-belief, it’s a great way of boosting moral and bringing people together. We love ...

Gwalia Baseball Softball - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Gwalia Baseball Softbayn yn darparu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc chwarae pêl fas a phêl feddal. Rydym mewn 3 lleoliad yng Nghaerdydd, ac un lleoliad yn y Barri. Yn greiddiol, mae Baseball Softball Gwalia hefyd yn sefydliad allgymorth ieuenctid cymunedol sy'n ymroddedig i ddefnyddio sesiynau pêl...

3 Horse Shoes Play Barn - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Here at the Three Horseshoes Country Inn we are also home of the PlayBarn! A massive indoor soft play area! We have a baby area, as well as a bigger, more adventurous area for older children. Our play centre is unique, allowing children to run wild and parents to relax with a cold drink of a...

Academy of Steel Young Wolves - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Currently our classes are focused on Longsword Fencing, but we will change focus to other weapons and unarmed disciplines during different courses. We are available for demonstrations, talks, and hands on practical sessions for schools, home education groups, clubs, and other places that might...

Adventure Island - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Set right on the Barry Island seafront, Adventure Island offers the best of both worlds - the seaside and play! What more could you ask for? So come and let us show you just how easy life can be for both you and your child. We’re open 7 days a week, prices vary!

Anthea King School Of Dance - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

DANCE SCHOOL OF THE YEAR 2022/2023/2024 We are an Award-Winning Dance School and celebrating 43 years of Dance in 2024. We have a fusion of dance classes for everyone, in Barry, Sully and Penarth for all ages and abilities. Registered school with CDMT & BDQT Qualifications regulated by OFQUAL...

Anthea M King School Of Dancing - Barry - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a Multi Awarding Winning School Celebrating 43yrs of Dance in 2024. Quality Business Awards 2023 & 2024 Best Dance Studio Vale of Glamorgan Gold Trophy for Dance school of the Year 2021 -2024. 'Your Child is at the Heart of What we Do’ Enabling our students to Thrive. Classes for all...

Army Cadet Force (Barry Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. Some of our activities have a military...

Army Cadet Force (Penarth Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. Some of our activities have a military...

Art-k Barry - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The art course is designed to explore both the 2D and 3D to ensure that a wide range of mediums and techniques are covered. Primary School students will begin with a clay tile project, exploring 3D modelling, perspective and design. For Secondary School students, the first project will work with ...

Ballet Academy Cymru - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide high-quality ballet training to all ages, levels and abilities: from our 2-year old pre-primary students, to students on their way into performing with professional ballet companies. All are welcome to attend our classes - a willingness to learn is all you need to start your ballet...

Barry Beavers Disabled Swimming Club - Children / Adults - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Barry Beavers Disabled Swimming Club meet every Saturday 3.30pm - 5pm at Barry Leisure Centre. We offer swimming for children and adults with disabilities or long-term health conditions. We organise and enable people to attend our weekly swimming and therapy sessions. We incorporate fun and...

Bethel Baptist Church - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We offer a range of activities for children of all ages, please see website or contact us for days and times.

Bliss Dancers (Dinas Powys) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Whether you’re looking to learn a particular style of dance or are just looking to have some fun with the benefits of keeping fit, Bliss Dancers is the ideal dance school you should be part of. We run over 10 classes a week in three different venues in the Vale of Glamorgan. Find out about our...

Bliss Dancers (Penarth) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Whether you’re looking to learn a particular style of dance or are just looking to have some fun with the benefits of keeping fit, Bliss Dancers is the ideal dance school you should be part of. We run over 10 classes a week in three different venues in the vale of Glamorgan. Find out about our...

Cardiff Dance Company CDMT - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Providing qualified dance tuition in Ballet, Modern, Lyrical and Contemporary dance in Cardiff and surrounding areas. Pontcanna, Penarth, Barry and Heath. All classes follow a syllabus with accredited dance associations to enable correct teaching for your child. Classes are held every Saturday...

Class Act Company - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Class Act Classes offer tuition in Acting, singing, and dancing within a supportive environment, enabling actors to explore emotions, enhance artistic skills, and promote mental well-being. "On Stage in 12 Takes": Our dynamic (Term Time) 12-week program Inspired by iconic musicals and films, for ...

Clonclyfrau yn Llyfrgell Llaniltud Fawr - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae grŵp Chatterbooks newydd ar gyfer plant 7 -10 oed. Nod Chatterbooks yw annog plant i fwynhau darllen ac i ddarllen mwy, gyda’r pwyslais ar weithgareddau hwyliog a ysbrydolwyd gan y llyfrau gorau i blant. Gall plant gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd tra’n darganfod a rhannu angerdd am ddarllen, wrth...

Clwb Achub Bywydau o'r Môr Llanilltud Fawr - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rydym yn darparu gwasanaeth achubwyr bywyd gwirfoddol sy'n targedu pobl ifanc 13 i 18 oed yn LMSLSC Llanilltud Fawr gan ddarparu rhaglenni datblygu allweddol sy'n galluogi ein hieuenctid i bontio'n hawdd o Nipper i Achubwr Bywyd Syrffio cymwys. Mae'r clwb yn dysgu sgiliau achub bywyd syrffio,...

Clwb Cod - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Clwb Cod - Os oes gennych syniad am gem, app neu wefan, ond ddim syniad sut i wneud o ddigwydd, y Clwb Cod ydi'r lle i chi! Pob wythnos wnawn trafod yr hanfodion a rhoi amser i chi weithio ar prosiect.

Clwb Lego - Llyfrgell Y-Bont-Faen - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

A ydych yn mwynhâu adeiladu a Lego? Dewch i ymuno a ni yn Llyfrgell Y Bont-faen ar foreuâu Sadwrn 1.30 – 3.30.

Clwb Lliwio Plant - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Clwb lliwio plant yn Llyfrgell y Barri. Dewch i'n clwb lliwio newydd ar Ddydd Llun 3.30yp - 5yp. Nid oes angen archebu.

Colwinston Youth Club - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a Youth Club for young people living in Colwinston and the surrounding Vale of Glamorgan. We meet at Colwinston Village Hall, Colwinston, Cowbridge, CF71 7QA We offer social, sporting and accredited activities for young people aged 10 to 24 years of age. We are part of the Community Hall...

Cook Stars Vale of Glamorgan - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Cook Stars VOG yn rhoi dosbarth coginio hwyl ar gyfer blant. Rydyn ni hefyd yn trefny parti penblwydd, workshops ar gyfer ysgolion, charities ac organisations.

Cowbridge Leisure Centre - Soft Play - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Looking for a fun and safe way to entertain your little ones? Come to Cowbridge Leisure Centre for our exciting soft play session! Our soft play session has Bouncy castle, soft play pieces . Designed to promote physical activity and social interaction, our soft play area provides a safe and...

Criced Cymru - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Criced Cymru yn un o 39 o Fyrddau Criced Sirol sy’n rhan o Fwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (yr ECB) ac mae hefyd yn cael ei gydnabod gan Chwaraeon Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru fel y Corff Llywodraethu Cenedlaethol ar gyfer criced yng Nghymru. Mae ein gweledigaeth yn syml; hynny yw, ‘I Griced gipio...

Children's swimming lessons - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Swimming Lessons at Barry, Penarth and Llantwit Major Leisure centre. Learning to swim is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle or learn a new life skill. We partner with Swim Wales to teach their Learn To Swim programme.

Dance - RD dance classes - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Razzle Dazzle Theatre School, RD Dance School, RD voices, RD comp squad, RAD Ballet exams - Classes available in Barry. Contact To book please telephone Mob 07740779103 or for general information Mrs Farr on 01446 735428.

Flame Dance Studios - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Dysgu Dawns i Blant dros 2 oed ar draws Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg, a ddarparir gan athrawon cymwysedig iawn, dwyieithog (Saesneg a Chymraeg). Mae Flame Dance Studios yn cynnig dosbarthiadau dawns i blant dros 2 ½ oed, mewn Ballet, Theatr Gerddorol a Tap, a Hip Hop Masnachol.

Girlguiding Cymru - Guides - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Guides yw ein hadran ar gyfer merched rhwng 10 a 14 oed a thrwy ddod yn rhan o gymuned fyd-eang o ferched sy'n dysgu gyda'i gilydd ac yn rhannu sgiliau a phrofiadau, mae Guides yn cael cyfle i fynd allan yno a gwneud rhywbeth gwahanol iawn. Mae'r aelodau'n cymryd rhan mewn ystod eang o...

Girlguiding Cymru - Rainbows - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rainbows yw ein hadran ar gyfer merched rhwng 5 a 7 oed ac mae'n ymwneud â datblygu hunanhyder, meithrin cyfeillgarwch, dysgu pethau newydd a chael hwyl. Mae merched yn cael eu dwylo yn fudr gyda'r celf a chrefft, rhoi cynnig ar goginio, chwarae gemau sy'n ymwneud â dysgu trwy wneud. I...

Gwasanaeth Plant, Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd RNIB - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Gwasanaeth Plant, Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd ac Addysg RNIB yn cefnogi unigolion 0-25 oed sydd ag amhariad ar y golwg, eu teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau, a’r gweithwyr proffesiynol o’u cwmpas gydag unrhyw fath o ymholiad. Rydym hefyd yn cefnogi rhieni sydd ag amhariad ar y golwg eu hunain. Mae ein...

Gwersi canu yn y Wig - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Are you a budding singer or an experienced singer in need of some guidance? Would you like to work towards an exam, audition, eisteddfod or assessment? Just want to sing for fun? I have many years of experience both in my private studio, and at schools, and I'm DBS checked. I'm a member of the...

Inclusive Kicks (Disability Football Sessions) delivered by Cardiff City FC Community Foundation - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Our inclusive, pan-disability and disability specific football sessions for children and young people are delivered by skilled, experienced coaches. We also operate Cardiff City Stadium's sensory room for children and young people with sensory sensitivities.

Jigsaw - Cardiff West - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Jigsaw was established with a desire to pass on the joy of performing arts. The belief in the benefits of performing arts activities for children was the driving force in the creation of Jigsaw and the reason why Jigsaw has continued to grow and become a well established and high quality...

Jigsaw Performing Arts Belle Vue Community Centre Penarth - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Jigsaw was established with a desire to pass on the joy of performing arts. The belief in the benefits of performing arts activities for children was the driving force in the creation of Jigsaw and the reason why Jigsaw has continued to grow and become a well established and high quality...

Local Motion Disability Dance - Barry - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Our unique Local Motion Dance sessions cater for children, young people and vulnerable adults with disabilities in our community. The sessions combine movement and Dance based activities to music to encourage agility, balance and co-ordination. Combining simple dance routines along with the use...

Llantwit Major Football Club - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We give the children of Llantwit Major and District the opportunity to play association football, to receive coaching and improve performance, development. We offer grassroots football opportunities for players of all abilities with teams ranging from U6 to age 19 with both mixed and girls only...

Llwybr Stori Llên Gwerin Cymru - Castell Fonmon - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Cychwyn ar antur hudolus trwy galon chwedloniaeth Cymru gyda’n Llwybr Stori Llên Gwerin hudolus. Dewch i ddarganfod hanesion bywiog ffigurau chwedlonol fel y Brenin Arthur, Ceridwen, Y Dyn Gwyrdd, a llawer mwy, wrth i’w straeon ddod yn fyw, gan blethu tapestri cyfoethog llên gwerin Cymru at ei...

Motion Control - Breakin - Barry - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Breakin, also called B-boying or breakdance', involves coordination, style, flexibility and rhythm and is one of the most improvisational dance styles. Our Breakdance sessions are fast paced and athletic and is great for those children with endless energy.

Motion Control - LEAP - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

This teen session uses the foundations of the given street dance styles from beginners into more detailed choreographic phrases as well as developing their own choreography material. Building on their performance and technical skills by allowing the students to perform at various local events....

Motion Control - Step Dance Class - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Step is a 45 min dance class for those aged 5-7 who want to go that little bit further than just having fun! It expands on the techniques learned by our younger class as well as putting together a dance for the recital/concert. They will develop potential in their performing skills and mastering ...

Motion Control - Stride - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

This class focuses upon expressive dance that combines elements of contemporary dance and physical prowess whilst striving to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements. Students learn to create their own movements through improvisation work. This dance genre is often done in...

Motion Control Dance Street Dance Class - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Street Beginners: This hour dance class introduces students to the basics of street dance styles such as hip hop, breaking, locking, waacking and house. Students learn foundations. They learn basic choreography phrases as well as putting together a dance for the annual showcase.

Parc Antur Deinosoriaid Jwrasig Cymru - Castell Fonmon - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Dewch yn Geidwad Dino a chychwyn ar antur trwy Gymru Jwrasig yn y coetir! Darganfyddwch y deinosoriaid anhygoel a fu unwaith yn crwydro'r ddaear gyda modelau maint bywyd. Dewch i'r Ganolfan Wyddoniaeth i ddysgu am ffosilau, a byddwch yn greadigol trwy liwio Draco y Deinosor Cymreig yn y Ganolfan ...

Penarth Sea Cadets - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

As a Sea Cadet young people flourish, learn key life skills and achieve qualifications in a range of areas, all of which boosts their confidence as they prepare for the rest of their lives. Sea Cadets offers a chance to broaden life experiences – whether that’s challenges and experiences like...

Performing Arts Academy Wales - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Based in Penarth, we provide dance and theatre arts classes in ballet, jazz, tap, acro, commercial and modern disciplines. We cater for all ages from ballet tots to adult ballet classes. PAAW believes that every child should be nurtured irrespective of ability, and training should be offered to...

Pukka productions - Craft Club - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Giving children the opportunity to explore many different crafting techniques including printing, dip dying, beading, sewing, sketching, weaving and painting. Children create at their own level in a fun, sociable environment. All creations are sent home. Teacher: Carol Moore

Pukka productions - Dance 2 your beat - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Learn dances while having the opportunity to create and explore choreography. Students will experience different styles of music, such as pop, rock, and musical theatre, to explore how music and lyrics inspire movement creation. Teacher: Natalia Taylor

Pukka productions - Pukka Petites Saturday Theatre School - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Our cutest, youngest theatre group! Here we encourage confidence, teamwork, creativity and friendship within a structured but fun framework of Dance, Drama and Music. The children work towards heir own little termly showcases for friends and family and sometimes have a ‘spot’ in the large scale...

Pukka productions - Saturday Theatre School - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are so proud of our Theatre School and we welcome all children from age 5 to 18. We have 4 groups each tailored for a particular age group. Our aim is to encourage confidence, teamwork, creativity and friendship within a structured but fun framework of Dance, Drama and Music. All classes are...

Pukka productions - Shine Dance - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

An all inclusive dance class for all children aged 10+ whether a mainstream learner or one with special educational needs of any nature. Learn to dance through games, group activities, choreography, exploration and team work. Our group has a 50/50 split of mainstream and special needs dancers...

Pukka productions - Slay Dance! - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Learn to dance with energy and precision whilst looking effortless. Finally a class where attitude works in your favour! A fun fusion of hip-hop, commercial and street dance. Teacher: Rowan Connell

Pukka productions - Spotlight Dance - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

From musical-theatre to street dance, this is the class for you. Designed to inspire, improve and showcase your dance skills. Teacher: Sarah McHugh

Pukka productions - Tip Toes - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

An adult and toddler singing and dance class. A sensory introduction to music and dance. Adults and children work together joining in with the fun activities, songs and dances. Many props are used in the class and activities are just the right length and pace to grab the child’s attention and...

Pukka productions - Thursday Theatre - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are so proud of our Theatre School and we welcome all children from age 5 to 18. We have 4 groups each tailored for a particular age group. Our aim is to encourage confidence, teamwork, creativity and friendship within a structured but fun framework of Dance, Drama and Music. All classes are...

Pukka productions - venue hire - Pukka parties - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Hire the ENTIRE Pukka Wherehouse for your own Pukka Party! What's Included? ​- 1 hour Disco, with Disco Lights (Equinox pulse, remote control LED light tubes). - Upstairs room to serve food - 2x Kitchens with microwave, kettle and all the basics. - Space for 25 children (maximum). - Sound...

Rugby Tots Barry - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

A popular and fun rugby class at Colcot Sports Centre for kids aged 2-5 years old. Rugbytots offer various courses for different age groups. 2 to 3.5 year old (30 minute session) 3.5 to 5 year olds are 45 minute sessions. Free taster sessions are available so you can try it out first.

Rugby Tots Penarth - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

A popular and fun rugby class at Evenlode for kids aged 2-5 years old. Rugbytots offer various courses for different age groups. 2 to 3.5 year old (30 minute session) 3.5 to 5 year olds are 45 minute sessions. Free taster sessions are available so you can try it out first.

Rhyming Multisensory Stories - Storytelling Through the Senses - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae'n darparu gwybodaeth, syniadau ac adnoddau addysgu amlsynhwyraidd a gweithgaredd i rieni/gofalwyr plant a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd ag anghenion addysgol ychwanegol/arbennig a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n gweithio gydag oedolion â namau...

Sgowtiaid Caerdydd a'r Fro - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Cymdeithas y Sgowtiaid yn darparu gweithgareddau anturus a chyfleoedd datblygu personol i bobl ifanc rhwng 4 a 25 oed, gan helpu i gyflawni eu potensial corfforol, deallusol, cymdeithasol ac ysbrydol, fel unigolion, fel dinasyddion cyfrifol ac fel aelodau o'u cymunedau lleol, Cenedlaethol a...

Shotokan Karate (age 8+) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Budo Jissen Karate is a non-profit volunteer organisation dedicated to Shotokan Karate practice. The organisation is run by Simon Dodd (5th dan), Kirsty Stuart (3rd Dan), and Andrew Richards (3rd Dan)

Silver Stars of YMCA Gymnastics - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

YMCA Barry have expanded the gymnastics club to cover children living in Penarth who can now experience the fantastic sport of gymnastics locally. The club is based in Penarth Leisure Centre and is run by YMCA Barry's very experienced gymnastics coaches. Silver Stars of YMCA have classes...

South Wales Aviation Museum - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are an aviation museum based in the Vale of Glamorgan in St Athan. We have many interactive exhibits and aircraft on display for our visitors to enjoy. Visitors are able to get up close and personal with the aircraft and are able to access selected cockpits. We have several cockpit simulators ...

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service - Fire Cadets - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae’r Cadetiaid Tân yn rhaglen ymgysylltu ieuenctid gyffrous sy’n rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ymgysylltu â Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru (GTADC) ac ennill cymhwyster credadwy a sgiliau bywyd y gallant eu defnyddio yn y gweithle Mae Cadetiaid Tân yn rhoi cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc sy’n cynnwys: •...

Splash Central - Intensive Courses - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Intensive Courses are a great way for children to be introduced to swimming lessons or to re-enforce what they are already learning. Small class sizes and water based instructors ensure that your child can flourish during their Splash Intensive Courses. Children aged over 3 come swimming every...

Splash Central - over 3's swimming lessons (Fontygary Leisure Park) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Splash swim school prides itself of making learning to swim a positive experience for all children regardless of their ability. This is achieved through using water based, enthusiastic instructors; delivering fun, energetic and focused lessons which swimmers of all ages will thrive in. Splash...

Stage Door 1 Youth Theatre - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Stage Door 1 Youth Theatre was created in 2007 to provide an avenue for children from all social backgrounds to be able to increase their confidence, creativity and consideration for others through the medium of drama, dance, song and musical theatre. We are the resident Youth Theatre in CADS...

Superstars In The Making - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Superstars in the Making® is a fresh and exciting performance education brand. Our concept is to provide an exceptional level of training across all of our courses. Our coaches and mentors are trained to the highest standard and are carefully selected for each course. Our unique teaching methods ...

Tim Datblygu Chwarae Bro Morgannwg - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Ein nod yw cynyddu nifer y plant, y bobl ifanc a'r teuluoedd sy’n gallu cael mynediad at gyfleoedd chwarae o ansawdd. Cyflawnir hyn mewn dwy ffordd: (1) Darparu gwasanaethau chwarae'n uniongyrchol trwy gyfleoedd fel cynlluniau chwarae, sesiynau Ceidwad Chwarae, sesiynau a digwyddiadau Ysgolion...

Tîm Datblygu Chwaraeon Bro Morgannwg - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Ein nod yw cynyddu nifer y bobl sy'n cyrchu cyfleoedd chwaraeon a gweithgaredd corfforol o safon. Cyflawnir hyn mewn tair ffordd: (1) Cyflwyno darpariaeth yn uniongyrchol (2) Trwy gefnogi eraill i gyflawni - gallwn gynorthwyo sefydliadau ac unigolion i ddarparu eu darpariaeth eu hunain trwy...

Tiny Toes Ballet Barry - children's ballet dance classes - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

✨ A captivating world of ballet dance, music and adventures for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and older children up to age 8 years old! ✨ Within our weekly children's ballet dance classes, we don’t “just” teach dance – we develop movement and musicality, we encourage creativity and...

Tiny Toes Ballet Bridgend - children's ballet dance classes - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

✨ A captivating world of ballet dance, music and adventures for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and older children up to age 8 years old! ✨ Within our weekly children's ballet dance classes, we don’t “just” teach dance – we develop movement and musicality, we encourage creativity and...

Tiny Toes Ballet Llantwit Major - children's ballet dance classes - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

✨ A captivating world of ballet dance, music and adventures for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and older children up to age 8 years old! ✨ Within our weekly children's ballet dance classes, we don’t “just” teach dance – we develop movement and musicality, we encourage creativity and...

Tiny Toes Ballet Ystradowen - children's ballet dance classes - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

✨ A captivating world of ballet dance, music and adventures for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and older children up to age 8 years old! ✨ Within our weekly children's ballet dance classes, we don’t “just” teach dance – we develop movement and musicality, we encourage creativity and...

The Tiny Treehouse - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Tiny Treehouse is the home of Monkey Music Vale and Bridgend. Featuring a sensory play space, tea/coffee faciltiy and a bespoke music teaching room. It provides a safe environment for families to meet, play and socialise. Complimentary access to our sensory play area for under 4 years is...

The Vale Out of School Care - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Bydd clybiau gwyliau’n darparu ystod eang o weithgareddau chwarae i blant yn ystod y gwyliau ysgol. Caiff rhai eu rhedeg gan ysgolion, tra bod eraill yn cael eu rhedeg gan sefydliadau preifat neu wirfoddol. Bydd costau’n amrywio rhwng clybiau gwyliau, ac fe godir tâl y dydd arnoch chi am bob...

UCAN Productions - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae UCAN Productions (Unique Creative Arts Network) yn elusen celfyddydau perfformio a chreadigol i blant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion sy'n ddall a sydd a nam ar eu golwg.

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - African Drumming - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for African Drumming Community Djembe...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Early Years sing, dance and play - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for early years. Watch the delight of your...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Taiko - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Taiko, Japanese Drumming - disciplined...

Vale Karate - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Vale Karate is a family-run professional Karate Organisation established and run by Chief Instructor Rob Copeland 7th Dan, Leah Copeland 3rd Dan and secretary Cathy Copeland and based at Vale Karate's Dojo at Barry Leisure Centre. Vale Karate has a comprehensive timetable of classes running...

Vale Tennis Academy - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Our Tennis Camps are ideal for beginners and club players aged 5-14yrs. Each session consists of team games to warm-up, tennis skills development, tennis drills, multi-sports and fun competitions. We use Mini Tennis & standard tennis equipment to get your child playing & having fun on court!...

Vale Youth Forum - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are the Independent County Youth Forum, we ensure that the voices of young people are heard by those in authority. . We are a registered charity

Wick Youth Club - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a youth club which offers social, sporting and accredited activities for young people who live in Wick and the surrounding areas We have close links to other community organisations and encourage members to be active in their community We encourage young people and adults to volunteer at...

Wiremaker Cardiff - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

My name is Beth Sill & I am a maker specialising in wire craft. I sell my work, run a range of wellbeing workshops & create commissions. I make beautiful unique wire sculptures,wire kits & jewellery. I can also come to local schools,groups and organisations:)

YMCA Barry Disability Gymnastics - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

YMCA Barry Gymnastics is passionate about providing gymnastics to all children and has achieved the Gold Insport award for its commitment to inclusion by Disability Sport Wales. Our Disability specific gymnastics class is held at a quiet time in the gymnasium where the children can explore the...

YMCA Barry Gym Infants - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Gym Infants is for boys and girls who are in in Year 1 & 2. We welcome all gymnastic abilities and coaches work with all children to reach their full potential using all our elite gymnastics equipment. All gymnasts will be invited to participate in biannual competitions as well as Proficiency...

YMCA Barry GymJuniors - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

GymJuniors is for boys and girls who are in year 3 and older. We welcome all gymnastic abilities and coaches work with all children to reach their full potential using all our elite gymnastics equipment. All gymnasts will be invited to participate in biannual competitions as well as Proficiency...

YMCA Barry GymKids - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

GymKids progresses the gymnasts to the next level of gymnastics for reception age children. Children will focus on the foundation gymnastics skills and develop their key fitness components ready for more complex gymnastics. GymKids gymnasts are given the opportunity to compete within club...

YMCA Barry Gymnastics - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Based in the modern Hub building, the area served is Barry and we provide gymnastic facilities for all ages, from babies through to Commonwealth & British Squad gymnasts. The club has classes for all ages and abilities.

YMCA Barry Home Education Gymnastics - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Home Ed Gymnastics is aimed at children aged 4 years and above, these classes are for budding gymnasts of all abilities and our specialised coaches will help children reach their full potential. This class is specifically for children who are home educated and provides a safe and inclusive...

YMCA Barry Teen Gym - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Gym Teen is aimed at girls and boys of all abilities that are Secondary School age. The class has been developed for young people who do not want to attend a fully structured session. Those attending have the freedom to choose what they would like to achieve in the session and are supported by...

Youth Clubs in the Vale of Glamorgan - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rydym yn gweithredu sawl clwb ieuenctid ledled Bro Morgannwg sydd ar gael i bobl ifanc 11-25 oed. Mae’r clybiau ieuenctid hyn yn cynnig cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc wneud ffrindiau a chael hwyl mewn amgylchedd diogel. Cynigir amrywiaeth o weithgareddau o chwaraeon, coginio, i gelf a chrefft a llawer...