Cyngor a Chymorth I Deuluoedd Caerdydd

Agorwch bob opsiwnCaewch yr holl opsiynau

Dangos 34 o 34 gwasanaeth

BA (Hons) in Sports Business and Management degree - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The BA (Hons) in Sports Business and Management degree is run in affiliation with EFL in the Community and University of South Wales, allowing students to study remotely with Cardiff City FC Foundation at Cardiff City House of Sport. This degree provides the opportunity to study in the workplace ...

Beth Nesaf? Eich Bywyd. Eich Dyfodol - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Gwefan i bobl ifanc, sy'n cynnal darpariaeth a chyfleoedd sydd ar gael yng Nghaerdydd. Siop-un-stop addysg, cyflogaeth, hyfforddiant a gwirfoddoli newydd sy’n dwyn ynghyd gwybodaeth a fydd yn helpu pobl ifanc i benderfynu ar eu camau nesaf, gan ei gwneud yn gyflymach ac yn haws i bobl ifanc weld ...

Braenaru ADY - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Ein nod yw helpu pobl ifanc sydd ag ADY i bontio’n llwyddiannus o ysgol i addysg bellach. Mae’r pynciau a’r adnoddau ar y safle’n gyffredin i bob coleg addysg bellach yng Nghonsortiwm Canolbarth y De, ond y nod yw galluogi defnyddwyr i edrych ar golegau unigol i ganfod gwybodaeth benodol sy’n...

BTEC Level 3 in ANIMATION (National Extended Diploma in Creative Media Practice) - Cardiff - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

MAC takes pride in delivering classes in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere, focusing on your strengths to help you grow your confidence. You will learn in a small group of 12-16 students. MAC courses are full time (3 days per week). No previous experience is required and there are no formal...

Caerdydd u3a - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Os ydych wedi cyrraedd y man lle rydych wedi gorffen gweithio'n llawn-amser neu fagu eich teulu a bod gennych amser i ddilyn eich diddordebau neu i roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd, mae Prifysgol y Drydedd Oes Caerdydd ar eich cyfer chi. Mae Pri- fysgol y DrydAedd Oes yn fudiad trwy’r DU o grwpiau...

Cymorth Cyntaf Bach Abertawe, y Fro a'r Cymoedd - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Ein henwau yw Lowri a Ryan. Mae’r ddau ohonom yn feddygon yn yr ardal leol. Rydym yn darparu: - Dosbarthiadau cymorth cyntaf babi a phlentyn. Mae’r dosbarthiadau yn addas ar gyfer rhieni, teuluoedd, gofalwyr plant neu unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn dysgu cymorth cyntaf. Mae'r dosbarthiadau yma...

Cymorth Cyntaf o Bell a Hyfforddiant Cyn Ysbyty Cyf - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Cymorth Cyntaf o Bell a Hyfforddiant Cyn Ysbyty yn darparu Gwasanaeth Hyfforddiant Cymorth Cyntaf ac Iechyd a Diogelwch proffesiynol. Gyda dros 35 mlynedd o hyfforddiant a dros 40 mlynedd o brofiad yn delio ag anafusion. Mae ein hyfforddwyr ymroddedig yn darparu gwasanaeth hyfforddi saith...

Dosbarthiadau Saesneg Sgwrsio - bob dydd Llun 12:00-1:30pm yng Nghanolfan Gymunedol Butetown - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae llawer o’r bobl sy’n ymgartrefu yn ein cymuned yn methu â siarad Saesneg pan fyddant yn cyrraedd, ac o’r herwydd, yn ei chael hi’n anodd dod o hyd i waith, gan arwain yn y pen draw at Butetown yn un o ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig Cymru. Nod y Dosbarthiadau Saesneg i Oedolion rydym yn eu...

Dysgu Gydol Oes - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Dysgu Gydol Oes ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yn cynnig ystod eang o gyrsiau byr, rhan-amser wedi'u hanelu at ddatblygiad personol a phroffesiynol ar lefelau ac amseroedd sy'n addas i bawb. Mae llawer o'n cyrsiau'n cael eu cynnal trwy ddysgu o bell sy'n rhoi'r hyblygrwydd i chi astudio pryd a...

Foundation Degree in Community Football Coaching - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The structure of the BTEC Level 2 course is the perfect balance between classroom-based learning and practical activities. We’re proud to be able to offer our students a relaxed atmosphere to learn and the opportunity to transfer what they’ve learned in the classroom through structured,...

Free English Classes (ESOL) - Grange Pavilion - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Free English (ESOL) classes for women in Grangetown who are looking to improve their English reading, writing and speaking. A relaxed and friendly learning environment.

Glamorgan Archives - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Archives collects preserves and makes accessible records relating to central south east Wales. We collect records relating to the history of Glamorgan and its people. Records can range from papers, plans, photographs, parchments, personal diaries, and council minutes. Registration and booking...

Karen Blake Hyfforddi - Gyrfa Hyfforddi / Hyfforddiant Darparwr - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Ydych chi'n meddwl y byddech chi'n elwa o arweiniad wrth lywio newid bywyd sylweddol, fel cymryd gyrfa newydd neu edrych ar opsiynau gyrfa oherwydd anabledd neu gyflwr iechyd hirdymor. Mae yna nifer o arwyddion y gallai gweithio gyda hyfforddwr fod yn ddefnyddiol i chi. Mae'r arwyddion hyn yn...

Kumon Cardiff Heath - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Kumon study aims to ensure that every child develops a love for learning. We offer maths and English programmes to help students of any age and ability to progress their skills and build key foundations for learning. Traditional maths and English tuition helps students progress, but Kumon goes...

Media Academy Cymru: Addysg ac Hyfforddiant - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Yn Media Academy Cymru (MAC), rydyn ni’n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o gyrsiau BTEC creadigol, sy’n dewis wrth fesur i addysg arferol am bobl ifanc. Ein gweledigaeth ydy: bydd pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yng Nghymru yn ddiogel ac yn cael cyfleoedd i fyw’n bwrpasol. Rydyn ni’n credu na ddylai unrhyw...

Supported Shared Apprenticeships - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Supported Shared Apprenticeship programme aims to provide disabled people with a service that offers training, access to support, and valuable work-experience that leads to long-term sustainable employment. The programme is a partnership between ELITE, ‘host’ employers and dedicated training ...

Training for the Third Sector and Partner Organisations - Recruiting and Selecting Volunteers - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

GVS launches its new training programme for the Third Sector and partner organisations, with prices starting from only £10.00 per person. You can book your place(s) by clicking on the underlined dates for each session below or visit:...

The Daily Mile - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Datblygwyd The Daily Mile gan Elaine Wyllie MBE pan oedd hi’n Bennaeth Ysgol Gynradd St Ninian yn Stirling, ym mis Chwefror 2012. Ers 2016, mae Milltir y Dydd wedi tyfu ledled y byd a helpu miliynau o blant i fod yn actif bob dydd. Nod The Daily Mile yw gwella lles ac iechyd corfforol,...

The Kings Trust - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Every young person should have the chance to succeed. We know how hard it can be to get started in life. Whatever challenges you’re facing, if you’re aged 16 to 30, The King’s Trust (formerly known as The Prince's Trust) is here for you. You’ve got what it takes to gain the confidence and skills ...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Artist Workshops - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Artist Workshops, creation of masks,...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Beatboxing and Songwriting - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Beatboxing and Songwriting. Creative...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Dance - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us in Dance. Let our experienced and qualified...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Foundation Phase and KS2 Music Curriculum Delivery - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Foundation Phase and KS2 Music...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Gamelan - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Gamelan, this is the word used to...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - History through Music and Dance/Cwricwlwm Cymreig - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for History through Music and...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Podcasting - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Podcasting. Why not conclude a project...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - RePercussion - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for the RePercussion Junk Percussion...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Samba - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Samba Brazilian Carnival - move to the...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Tuned Percussion - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for Tuned Percussion as a whole class...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Ukulele - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for fun with a Ukulele. The Ukulele is fast...

Upbeat Music and Arts Service Ltd - Vocal, choral, musical theatre and school shows - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Music and arts workshops for all ages and abilities. The team at Upbeat are determined to ensure that children get the best possible opportunities to make music, dance and experience the sheer joy that creating it brings to their lives. Please join us for vocal, choral, musical theatre and...

Valley Training and Consultancy Ltd - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide training & consultancy for companies, organisations or individuals on various subjects covering: health & social care, management & career development. We can provide Accredited Training as well as Non-Accredited Training. We provide a bespoke service to your Company and will develop...

Y Brifysgol Agored - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Y Brifysgol Agored yw'r darparwr addysg uwch i israddedigion rhan amser mwyaf yng Nghymru. Mae'n arweinydd byd gan gynnig cyfleoedd dysgu o bell hyblyg ac arloesol ar lefel addysg uwch. Rydym yn gweithio mewn cymunedau ar hyd a lled Cymru i agor cyfleoedd dysgu i bobl. Mae ein gwaith yn y...

Yr Ysgol Ddrymio - Addysg (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Gallwn eich helpu i greu band ysgol newydd gan ddefnyddio drymiau ysbwriel, offerynnau taro a lleisiau. Yn cynnwys cynlluniau gwersi wythnosol o; rhythmau bywiog a chanu caneuon gwreiddiol hwyliog i gyfoethogi iaith, deheurwydd a sgiliau cymdeithasol. Datblygu syniadau newydd ar gyfer...