Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd y Fro

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Dangos 80 o 80 gwasanaeth

Action for Children in the Vale of Glamorgan - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide the following services to families in the Vale of Glamorgan. All referrals need to be made by an allocated social worker: Vale Family Support Service – provide a range of evidence based interventions using a solutions focused and therapeutic PACE Trauma informed approach. We support...

Adoption UK Cymru - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Cymorth i deuluoedd sy'n mabwysiadu ar bob cam o’u taith fabwysiadu. Os ydych chi’n byw yng Nghymru ac yn rhiant sy’n mabwysiadu neu’n ystyried mabwysiadu, neu os ydych yn cefnogi teulu sy’n mabwysiadu, cysylltwch â'n swyddfa bwrpasol. Byddant yn eich rhoi mewn cysylltiad â'ch cydgysylltydd...

Afasic - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Afasic supports and provides information for families with children and young adults who have Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) with a focus on Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). SLCN is the term used for children who have significant difficulties with talking, listening and/or...

Amelia Trust Farm - GROW project - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Amelia Trust Farm is a small charity and Care Farm based in Barry. We run an alternative education provision called the GROW programme. The GROW programme supports disadvantaged and vulnerable young people from across South Wales. Many of our young people struggle in mainstream education, and...

Ar Trac - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith The project brings together a range of interventions, co-produced by local agencies with children and young people. Ar Trac’s suite of age-appropriate services can be tailored based on the individual needs and strengths of the child and their family. As such, the project and what it offers will...

Aros yn ddiogel oddi cartref – canllaw i rieni - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae taro’r cydbwysedd cywir rhwng gadael eu hannibyniaeth i blant a sicrhau eu diogelwch pan fyddan nhw oddi cartref yn gallu bod yn anodd. Mae canllaw gan yr NSPCC yn rhoi cyngor a chynghorion ymarferol i rieni am farnu a ydy plentyn yn barod i fod allan ar ei ben ei hun a sut i’w paratoi am...

Barnardo's Cymru - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Bu Barnardo's Cymru yn gweithio yng Nghymru ers dros gan mlynedd. Ei nod yw estyn allan i blant, pobl ifanc, teuluoedd a'r cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig er mwyn helpu i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael y cychwyn gorau posib mewn bywyd. Ymdrechwn i sicrhau bod pob person ifanc yn gallu gwireddu eu ...

Barnardo's School Based Counselling: Vale of Glamorgan - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Our Vale of Glamorgan School and Community Based Counselling Service provides counselling to young people aged 10-19 years old. Counselling is a type of talking therapy, where the young person can meet with a qualified Counsellor to explore their thoughts and feelings and to develop ways of...

Care for the Family - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a national charity which runs events across the UK that would benefit couples, parents and those that are bereaved. Care for the Family has been supporting and encouraging families in the UK since 1988. We aim to strengthen family life & help those facing family difficulties. We hold...

Cerebra - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Cerebra is a unique charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions through research, education and directly supporting the children and carers. Living with neurological conditions can make life very hard, not just for the child, but for their family too. We...

Connect Resolve - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Working with families to strengthen or reconnect relationships . Improving communication and helping parents to understand their child's behaviour. Enabling parents to co-ordinate their parenting styles. Working with just parents or the whole family. Also offers parent/child mediation.

Cruse Bereavement Support Cardiff and The Vale - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Cruse Bereavement Support Caerdydd a'r Fro yn cynnig cymorth profedigaeth cyfrinachol un i un i unrhyw un sy'n galaru am golli anwylyd. Mae Cruse Bereavement Support Caerdydd a’r Fro yn cynnig: - Llenyddiaeth, cyngor a mynediad i linell gymorth am ddim 08088081677 - Cefnogaeth e-bost yn...

CUBE - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith We work with children and young people from 6 - 18 years old. We support as many children and young people as we can who are not in crisis. We offer support groups and workshops: Monday 9:30am and 1:00pm - Therapeutic Parenting Group Monday 3:30pm - Inside Out Emotions group for children aged...

Cymdeithas Frenhinol Plant Dall - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Ers dros 150 o flynyddoedd, mae Cymdeithas Frenhinol Plant Deillion (The Royal Society for Blind Children) (a elwid gynt yn Gymdeithas Frenhinol y Deillion (The Royal Blind Society)) wedi bod yn helpu plant a phobl ifanc dall (0 — 25 oed) i fyw bywyd heb gyfyngiadau. Mae ein Hymarferwyr Teulu...

Cymryd Rhan - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Cymryd Rhan yn elusen a ffurfiwyd yn 1986 i hyrwyddo a chynorthwyo pobl yng Nghymru sy'n fregus ac o dan anfantais oherwydd eu dysgu a/neu anabledd corfforol, iechyd meddwl neu oedran. Rydyn ni'n cefnogi pobl i fyw eu bywyd yn eu ffordd. Rydym yn cymryd agwedd dryloyw a chynhwysol tuag at y...

Cynllun Cymorth Gofal Plant â Ffocws - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Nodwch y canlynol o ran y cynllun Cymorth Gofal Plant â Ffocws: • Mae’n lleoli’r plentyn mewn gofal plant cofrestredig, y tymor cyn iddo ddechrau ei le meithrin addysg gynnar. Cofiwch hyn wrth wneud atgyfeiriad gan ei bod yn bosibl nad lleoliad gofal plant yw'r lle mwyaf priodol i'r...

Child Bereavement UK - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Child Bereavement UK helps children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people up to the age of 25 who are facing bereavement, and anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. We provide training to...

Child Bereavement UK Helpline - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Child Bereavement UK helps children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We also provide training to professionals, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families. For more information or...

Child Brain Injury Trust - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Every 30 minutes, a child or young person will acquire a brain injury. This could be the result of an accident, an illness such as meningitis or encephalitis, a poisoning, a stroke or a brain tumour. A brain injury has a devastating and life-long impact on the child and their whole family. Bones ...

Children and Families Cymru (St Giles Trust) - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The overall aim of the project is to empower families to create positive futures for the children within their families we aim to break any cycles such as offending, poverty and unemployment. The project has 2 elements - firstly, we look at foundational issues such as homelessness, health,...

Children’s Autism Support Service - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Children’s Autism Support Service (CASS) is run by Barnardo’s Cymru on behalf of Vale of Glamorgan Families First. The service supports families with children (aged between five and 18 years) who have and have not received a formal Autism diagnosis. Via online and face to face meetings, we...

Dechrau'n Deg Bro Morgannwg - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rydym yn darparu hyn I helpu pob plant gael dechrau deg mewn bywyd: Mae hyn yn cynnwys: . Gofal plant wedi'i ariannu mewn dewis o leoliadau i blant o'r tymor ar ôl eu hail ben-blwydd i'r tymor ar ôl eu trydydd pen-blwydd 2.5 awr y dydd 39 wythnos y flwyddyn . Gwasanaeth Ymweliadau Iechyd dwys a...

Earlybird and Earlybird Plus Parent and Teen Life Programme - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

NAS EarlyBird Plus is an 8-week support programme for parents/carers of children aged from 4 to 9 years old with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. NAS Teen Life is and 6-week programme for parents/carers of children aged from 10 to 16 years old with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)...

Edrych tua’r Dyfodol - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Edrych tua’r Dyfodol yn wasanaeth therapiwtig i blant a phobl ifanc 4-17 oed sydd wedi cael eu cam-drin yn rhywiol. Gall plant a phobl ifanc sydd wedi cael eu cam-drin deimlo’n ddryslyd ac yn ofidus am yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd iddynt, ond gall cael cyfle i drafod eu meddyliau a’u teimladau...

Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST) BME CYP Project - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae'n cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru trwy'r Grant Trydydd Sector Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cynaliadwy, y Tîm Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig a Chefnogaeth Ieuenctid (EYST Cymru) yn falch o gyhoeddi ein Prosiect BME CYP cyffrous newydd i gefnogi plant 0 i 25 oed a'u teuluoedd sydd ag anghenion...

Faye Louise Pluralistic Practitioner - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

I'm a qualified pluralistic practitioner and a registered mental health nurse practising in Mid Wales, offering to help people find and balance change and acceptance. I understand that it's often a challenge to even make the decision to seek support, yet if you take that step, the benefits can...

Gwasanaeth Atal - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Nod y Gwasanaeth Atal yw cefnogi a gweithio gyda phobl ifanc 8 i 17 oed yr ystyrir eu bod mewn perygl o droseddu neu ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol. Atal Mae cyfarfodydd achos yn cynnwys nifer o gynrychiolwyr o wahanol asiantaethau (e.e. yr heddlu, ysgolion, iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol)...

Gwasanaeth Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid a Chymorth Cynnar - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae’r Gwasanaeth Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid a Chymorth Cynnar (GCIChC) yn gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc rhwng 8 a 17 oed sy'n cymryd rhan, neu sydd mewn perygl o gymryd rhan, mewn ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol neu droseddu a dioddefwyr eu troseddau/ymddygiad. Ein gweledigaeth yw cefnogi pobl ifanc ...

Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i deuluoedd Bro Morgannwg (FIS) - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Rydyn ni’n siop un stop i deuluoedd ym Mro Morgannwg. Rydym yn cynnig gwybodaeth ar ofal plant, gweithgareddau i blant a phobl ifanc a gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd yn y Fro. Mae hyn yn cynnwys: gofal plant cofrestredig ac heb ei gofrestru, grwpiau rhieni a phlantos bach, cynlluniau gwyliau a ...

Gwasanaeth Rhianta’r Fro - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rydyn ni’n rhoi cymorth i deuluoedd â phlant rhwng 0-18 ledled Bro Morgannwg, er mwyn adeiladu ar gryfderau a chyflwyno newidiadau cadarnhaol a galluogi rhieni i deimlo’n fwy hyderus wrth reoli ymddygiad, trefniadau dydd i ddydd a ffiniau. Rydyn ni’n canolbwyntio ar hybu lles emosiynol a...

Hope Support Services - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Hope supports young people aged 5-25 when a loved one has a serious illness such as cancer, Motor Neurone Disease, organ failure etc. We're available from the moment of diagnosis for however long we're needed, whatever the outcome for the patient. Our online support service is available across...

Interactive Multi-Sensory Room - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The room has the latest sensory equipment to stimulate development opportunities for children, young people and adults with severe, profound, multiple learning difficulties, cerebral palsy, autism and other sensory impairments.

KeyCreate - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We run bespoke workshops for people of all ages with additional needs and disabilities in South Wales. We are well qualified and experienced in providing arts and creative therapy, and use music, drama, movement, storytelling, creative and sensory experiences to raise self-esteem and encourage...

KeyCreate Family Playgroup - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Open for business - please check our facebook page for updates. A warm and welcoming stay and play group for preschool and home educated children with additional needs, disabilities, and life-limiting conditions, and their families, friends, and carers. Run by specialists in play, disability,...

Kolourful Unique - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith ‘Kolourful Unique’ provides a safe and creative learning environment for children and students with additional learning needs who either attend school on a part-time basis or are unable to attend school at all, between the ages of 0-16 years.

Life - Linking Inclusive Families Through Social Events - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

L.I.F.E is a registered charity (July 2022) which was set up by volunteer parents who themselves have children with a disability and/or additional learning needs of their own. L.I.F.E is committed to supporting families residing in The Vale of Glamorgan and surrounding areas (currently 77...

Lucy Faithfull Foundation Cymru - Sesiynau addysg gyhoeddus - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae ein sesiynau cyhoeddus yn cynnwys: Rhieni Amddiffyn - Sesiwn i rieni/gofalwyr ar y ffeithiau ynghylch cam-drin plant yn rhywiol a'n cyfrifoldeb i'w atal. Gellir teilwra’r sesiwn gyda gwybodaeth i gefnogi teuluoedd plant ag anghenion ychwanegol. Professionals Protect - Sesiwn i weithwyr...

Lucy Faithfull Foundation UK - gwefan Shore - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Lucy Faithfull Foundation UK yn dod â gwefan Shore atoch chi, sy’n ceisio darparu man diogel ar-lein i bobl ifanc yn eu harddegau sy’n poeni am ymddygiad rhywiol. Poeni am feddyliau neu ymddygiad rhywiol? Ydych chi’n poeni am eich meddyliau, teimladau neu weithredoedd rhywiol eich hun neu...

Lucy Faithfull Foundation UK and Ireland resources/website - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Rydym yn gweithio ledled Cymru i sicrhau bod rhieni, gofalwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol yn y sefyllfa orau bosibl i amddiffyn plant rhag cam-drin rhywiol. Mae atal wrth wraidd ein gwaith. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol, Byrddau Lleol Diogelu Plant, yr heddlu, y llywodraeth, y...

Lles Ieuenctid - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae’r Gwasanaeth Lles Pobl Ifanc Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf yn broject a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru sydd yn seiliedig ar ymagwedd amlasiantaeth o gefnogi pobl ifanc. Bydd Gwasanaeth Lles Pobl Ifanc y Fro yn cynnig cymorth wedi ei dargedu i bobl ifanc sydd wedi wyneb profiadau plentyndod sydd yn...

Llinell Gyngor Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith TMae'r Llinell Gyngor Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf yn rhoi cyngor a chymorth i deuluoedd a fydd yn eu galluogi i ddatrys eu pryderon yn annibynnol, neu a fydd yn helpu i nodi gwasanaethau priodol y dylid cyfeirio atynt. Bydd Llinell Gyngor Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf yn anelu at: • Gwrando a rhoi cyngor ar sut y ...

Llinell Gymorth Iaith a Lleferydd - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Bydd y Therapydd Lleferydd ac Iaith yn gallu rhoi gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol am ddatblygu sgiliau siarad, ac awgrymu gweithgareddau y gallwch eu gwneud i annog sgiliau chwarae, dealltwriaeth o iaith, defnydd o eiriau a chyfathrebu cyffredinol.

Maethu Cymru Bro Morgannwg - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae'r tîm Maethu yn gyfrifol am recriwtio, hyfforddi, asesu a goruchwylio/cynorthwyo gofalwyr maeth ym Mro Morgannwg. Rydym yn darparu gofal ar gyfer plant/pobl ifanc y maent yn cael eu cyfeirio atom o'r timau Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn unig. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn derbyn ceisiadau gan...

Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia and Coloboma Support - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

MACS provides emotional and practical support to people born without eyes and partially developed eyes and their families. They put families who have been through similar experiences in touch with each other and for emotional and peer support, as well as organising events and activities to bring ...

Mini First Aid Cardiff and Newport - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Our Multi Award winning classes are delivered in a relaxed and comfortable style and give you confidence to know what actions to take if faced with a medical emergency. Mini First Aid offers a range of classes for all the family; parents, grandparents, carers and for children as young as three...

Nanny Proffesiynol - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

- Lapio gofal o gwmpas - Cymorth gwaith cartref - Athrawon hyfforddedig yn asst - Gwiriad DBS - Rhodd i blentyn ar gofrestru

National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) - Vale of Glamorgan - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

NYAS provide confidential, professional independent advocacy services to children and young people who are known to the Vale of Glamorgan, who are: - Looked after. Advocacy support can involve issues such as: Contact with family, placement planning, disabilities, transition, short breaks,...

NYLO (Maeth i'ch un bach) - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae NYLO yn rhaglen 8 wythnos am ddim a all eich helpu i deimlo'n fwy hyderus i roi deiet cytbwys i'ch plentyn a'i helpu i fod yn bwysau iach. Dros y 68 wythnos mae'r rhaglenni'n cwmpasu: -Deiet iach a chytbwys i blant ifanc -Meintiau dognau cywir a dewisiadau byrbrydau iach - Darllen labeli...

Odeon - Autism Friendly Cinema Screenings - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The ODEON hold Autism friendly screenings which are mainstream films shown in a sensory friendly environment. Lights are low, sound is turned down, trailers are omitted and people can bring their own food, make noise and move around the cinema as they feel comfortable. The screenings are for...

Prosiect Ymdeimlad o Chwarae - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Cynhelir y sesiynau yng nghartref y teulu ar sail 1: 1. Mae gweithgareddau'n canolbwyntio ar chwarae, rhyngweithio a datblygiad plant. Nod y sesiynau yw cefnogi rhieni i gydnabod gwahanol gamau datblygiad eu plentyn a'r rôl y maent yn ei chwarae wrth wella hyn ymhellach. Mae'r sesiynau hyd at 1...

Rainbow Group - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae'r Rainbow Group yn sesiwn chwarae galw heibio wythnosol yn ystod y tymor yn unig i blant hyd at bump oed sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol. Mae Rainbow yn darparu amgylchedd cefnogol i blant a theuluoedd ddod at ei gilydd i gael hwyl, cael mynediad at weithgareddau drwy gyfrwng y chwarae, rhannu...

Restricted Growth Association (RGA) UK - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Restricted Growth Association (RGA) is a registered charity (No 261647) that provides information and support to people of restricted growth and their families. The RGA provides support to those experiencing the social and medical consequences of restricted growth (dwarfism). Our goal is to ...

Same but Different: Cost of Living Support - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We know that there are many families affected by rare diseases and disabilities who are struggling with the cost of living crisis… and we want to help you. That’s why, working alongside our partners, we’ve created a list of resources to help you at this challenging time. We have also...

School Improvement And Inclusion - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith The Improvement and Inclusion Service includes: - Complex Needs Assessment and Liaison Service - Statutory Assessment Team - Management of Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN), including SEN transport - Management and co-ordination of the difficult to engage pupils including excluded...

Shine - Cardiff and the Vale - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Shine – Cardiff and Vale provide specialist support, advice and information throughout the life of anyone living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, as well as to parents, families, carers and professional health and social care staff. Shine's Support and Development workers can be contacted ...

Sibs - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Sibs is the only UK charity representing the needs of siblings of disabled people. Siblings have a lifelong need for information, they often experience social and emotional isolation, and have to cope with difficult situations. They also want to have positive relationships with their disabled...

Teulu Service (family) Hafod - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Teulu Service consists of 5 temporary RSL properties, floating support and drop-in services. Temporary accommodation: 5 units are dedicated to vulnerable families living in designated RSL properties. Support workers will provide a flexible model of support which is tailored to meet...

Tîm Derbyn (Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol) - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Y Tîm Derbyn yw’r pwynt cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n mynegi pryderon newydd ynghylch llesiant plentyn neu wybodaeth newydd am blentyn y mae’r tîm eisoes yn gwybod amdano. Mae’r tîm yn cynnig gwasanaethau asesu yn ogystal â chyfeirio pobl at wasanaethau priodol eraill. Mae croeso i chi...

Tîm Iechyd Plant ac Anabledd - Bro Morgannwg - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Rydym yn dîm amlddisgyblaethol arbenigol sy'n credu bod plentyn y mae ganddynt anabledd yn blentyn yn gyntaf, ac y dylid eu hannog a'u helpu i fanteisio ar yr un gwasanaethau a thriniaethau ag y mae plant eraill heb anableddau yn manteisio arnynt. Yn ogystal, rydym yn cael cyswllt gyda'r...

Tîm Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd Caerdydd a'r Fro (IFST) - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Tîm Integredig Cymorth i Deuluoedd Caerdydd a'r Fro sy'n cefnogi anghenion teuluoedd agored i niwed mewn argyfwng ledled Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg. Rydyn ni'n helpu teuluoedd a phroblemau o ran camddefnyddio sylweddau sy'n cael effaith ar les plant. Rydyn ni'n helpu rhai o'r teuluoedd mwyaf...

Tîm o Amgylch y Teulu - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Tîm o Amgylch y Teulu yn rhan o ddarpariaeth Cymorth Gynnar Bro Morgannwg sy'n cefnogi Plant, Pobl Ifanc (0-18 oed) a'u Teuluoedd, a allai elwa o gymorth ychwanegol i oresgyn anawsterau a gwneud newidiadau cadarnhaol. Byddwn yn cwblhau Asesiad Lles i nodi cryfderau yn ogystal ag anawsterau...

Triple P Family Transitions Online - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Triple P Online yn cynnwys pum modiwl ar-lein gyda fideos a gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol y mae rhieni'n eu cwblhau yn annibynnol yn eu hamser eu hunain ac ar eu cyflymder eu hunain, o gyfrifiadur, llechen neu ffôn clyfar. Mae'r rhaglen wedi'i chynllunio ar gyfer rhieni sy'n profi trallod...

Ty Hafan - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Ty Hafan provides specialist palliative care to life limited children and their families. We provide this care for children and young people up to the age of 18. Specialist palliative care may include end of life care, bereavement care, short break care, emotional support and outreach services....

The Down's Syndrome Association - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are Wales-wide organisation providing information, advice and support on all aspects of living with Down's syndrome. We provide support from pre-birth throughout life and have a range of specialist advisors and resources to help anyone with an interest in Down's syndrome. We have a...

The Intersensory Club - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

1. Adaptive Cycling Club in Jenner Park Stadium, Barry 2. Changing benches, and pool access for wheelchair at Cardiff International Pool 3. All terrain beach wheelchairs at Barry Island 4. Adaptive Power Boat, BCWAC, Barry Waterfront, Monday, 11.30am til 3.30pm, May until September. 5....

The Movement Centre - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Movement Centre works with children and their families from across the UK to provide a unique, evidence-based therapy called Targeted Training. The children who visit The Movement Centre have Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay (GDD), or other problems of movement control. A course of ...

Uned Diogelwch ar y Ffyrdd - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae'n rhaglen yn cynnwys: • Diogelwch yn y car e.e. cyngor ynghylch seddau i blant mewn ceir • Hyfforddiant Cerddwyr Ifanc • Hyfforddiant Beicio • Pass Plus Cymru ar gyfer y rhai 17 – 25 oed • ""Scooter smart"" ar gyfer pobl ifanc 16 i 18 oed • Hyfforddiant Cerddwyr Ifanc Achlysurol • Defnyddio...

Urddas Mislif - Help Mislif - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Cyngor Bro Morgannwg wedi bod yn cefnogi teuluoedd i sicrhau urddas mislif i bawb ym Mro Morgannwg waeth beth fo'u hamgylchiadau. Mae'r Cynllun Urddas Mislif yn cael ei ariannu gan y Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae cymorth parhaus wedi'i ddarparu ac mae cynhyrchion ar gael drwy ysgolion, y...

Vale Adaptive Cycling Club - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Vale Adaptive Cycling Club operates on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1pm - 4pm. We run all year round We have specialist adaptive bikes, trikes, tandems etc enabling young children, young people and adults with varying disabilities to access and enjoy the exhilaration of cycling. There is a...

Vale Adaptive Power Boat Club - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Boat Club is operated from Barry Community Activity Water Centre. Provides power boat experiences for disabled children, young people and adults, who are wheelchair users or with limited mobility. The boat has drop-down bow and large open deck to accommodate wheelchairs. The boat club operates...

Vale Domestic Abuse Services - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are here to create transformative, lasting change in the Vale of Glamorgan Community in making sure domestic abuse, sexual violence, and any other form of violence against women, children and girls cannot, and will not, be excused. Our mission is to give hope to all those affected by domestic ...

Vale People First - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a self advocacy organisation run by people with a learning disability in the Vale of Glamorgan. We run meetings and groups to talk about what is important to us. We tell service providers what works for us and what doesn't. We run lots of social gatherings and introduce people to...

Vale Short Breaks - Action For Children - Ty Robin Goch - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

This residential service aims to enrich the life experiences of disabled children and young people by providing a wide range of learning and fun opportunities tailored to the individual need. Parents and carers are also able to take a break from their caring responsibilities while their children ...

Vale Youth Speak Up - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Vale People First run a youth speak up group for young people (16 - 25) with a disability. The group is there to make friends, socialise, have their voices heard and speak up for their rights. Their current project is Climate First. We have guest speakers and hold events at our hub in the Bridge ...

'Where You Stand' online information guide for carers of people with learning disabilities - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Where You Stand yn adnodd gwybodaeth ar-lein i rieni, gofalwyr di-dâl, plant anabl ac oedolion ag anableddau dysgu. Mae Where You Stand yn ganllaw helaeth a ysgrifennwyd gan ofalwyr (pobl ag anabledd dysgu), ar gyfer gofalwyr. Mae’n cynnwys gwybodaeth am...

Wizzybug Loan Scheme - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Wizzybug Loan Scheme provides FREE fun, powered wheelchairs to disabled children aged 14 months. It's run by the national charity Designability. Children with conditions such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida and spinal muscular atrophy can learn vital movement skills, independence, spatial...

Y Cynnig Gofal Plant ym Mro Morgannwg - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Cynnig Gofal Plant Cymru ar gael ym Mro Morgannwg. Mae addysg gofal plant a meithrin a ariennir yn dechrau'r tymor ar ôl pen-blwydd eich plentyn yn 3 oed ac yn parhau nes bod eich plentyn yn dechrau ysgol amser llawn. Ym Mro Morgannwg, mae’r Cynnig Gofal Plant yn cynnwys: 12.5 awr yr...

Y Mynegai o blant a phobl ifanc ag anableddau neu anghenion ychwanegol (Bro Morgannwg) - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae’r Mynegai yn gofnod o blant a phobl ifanc ag anableddau neu anghenion ychwanegol, sy’n byw yng Nghaerdydd. Drwy gofrestru i’r Mynegai bydd teuluoedd yn derbyn gwybodaeth reolaidd am wasanaethau newydd, cynlluniau, digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau, trwy’r cylchlythyr Y Mynegai a negeseuon o...

YMCA - Vale Young Carers Project - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith The Vale Young Carers project provides respite (break), 1-2-1 support and advocacy for young carers living in the Vale of Glamorgan. Provides an opportunity to meet other young carers and to have some fun across The Vale of Glamorgan. Young Carers are young people aged 7 to 18 who help care for...